Venezuelan Government must stop persecution against democratic opposition and respect fundamental rights

MEP Dita Charanzová co-authored a resolution on behalf of ALDE calling on the Venezuelan Government to stop persecuting and using violence against peaceful protesters. The European Parliament joint resolution was adopted today 18/12/2014 in the plenary by overwhelming majority.  

 Dita Charanzová said:

"While I support this resolution, I am disappointed that we could not agree on more concrete options for what the EU could do next if the regime continues to violate the fundamental rights of citizens. I firmly believe that this should have included the possibility of targeted sanctions."

Ms Charanzová continued:

"An independent judicial system has ceased to exist in Venezuela for the past decade.  Leopoldo Lopez, Maria Corina Machado and all those others wrongfully detained on unfounded charges must be immediately released. As this stands, it is impossible for them to have a fair and impartial trial."

The MEPs renewed their request for an ad hoc delegation to be sent to assess the situation in Venezuela and to hold a dialogue with all sectors involved in the conflict as soon as possible.

The protests in Venezuela started in February 2014 as many Venezuelans grew disillusioned with President Maduro's failed economic and social policies. The protesters have been asking for better security, an end to goods shortages and protected freedom of speech. More than 40 people died in clashes with the police and around 900 were injured. Hundreds of people were arrested, including democratic opposition’s leaders, after the Venezuelan government accused them of creating the conditions for a “state coup”.